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At first, I was a little hesitant about drawing a line right on the eye crease because I thought it would smudge but it actually worked out. As I reached the end, I just decided to make a little wing just for fun and applied a white highlighter on the brow bone. In addition, I added these gorgeous earrings I got from Forever21.

P.S. If you feel like you messed you just gently wipe with a damp cotton swab.

So, I decided to step out of my comfort zone and try something I have never done before. I am actually pleasantly surprised.

There can be many geometric shapes with contrasting on clothing. That is the funnest thing about experimenting. I decided to make the purse and boots a magenta color because I don't believe everything always has to match too much. If it ever gets chilly and you want to wear fishnet leggings, you can simply wear regular leggings underneath the fishnets.

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