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I have always loved Korean sheet masks. I am so glad they have become so popular because you can find them at so many stores now. They make my skin feel so fresh and smooth and I love laying back and relaxing after placing it on my face.


1. Place mask on face and leave for 20-25 minutes.

2. After removing, rub serum on face (do not wash off serum) to let it penetrate deeper in the skin.

3. If there is left over serum in package, I like to use that as well.

I got so tired of carrying a full size brush in my purse. My hair can be very high maintenance. Not only did I want a smaller brush to carry around in my purse, but also one that is gentle on my hair. As I kept searching, I found this super cute small brush shaped like a macaroon. The bristles are very gentle on my hair and help with tangles and frizz. It is also a lot more convenient to carry around because of its small size.

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